Diversity and inclusion activities in the workplace that target operational teams

Diversity and inclusion activities in the workplace are important for businesses, especially if you want to get your operational teams on the same page.


The data is clear: diversity and inclusion activities in the workplace are just good business. But the truth is slightly more complex than that. While there’s no good argument against workplace diversity, it can only provide the best outcome for your business if you genuinely embrace its value and make DEI a part of the fabric of your organisation.

When leaders and managers know how to derive and promote different perspectives, build on them, and be inclusive of the ideas they obtain from their teams, they have the chance to identify blind spots, get better ideas, question assumptions, create greater solutions, and develop new approaches. 

As a result, operational teams see a marked improvement in performance, innovation, and growth. Even research shows that inclusive teams make better decisions twice as fast. This statistic alone should give employers something to work towards when it comes to getting their teams to perform to the best of their abilities.

Here are a few DEI activities you can try at work.

conduct diversity briefings

When it comes to diversity and inclusion activities in the workplace, start with diversity briefings for your operational teams. Having monthly meetings where team managers have open conversations about how diversity is affecting them can be an important part of promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. 

For instance, if your team is made up of people from different religious backgrounds, talk about the different holy days that are important to them. It helps spread cultural and historical knowledge among coworkers. Diversity briefings can also help your team have a better understanding and appreciation for different cultures and backgrounds. 

celebrate with food

Communities often gather around food, and what better way to celebrate diversity within your operational team than having a fun potluck lunch party where you can encourage employees to bring dishes that are inspired or native to their culture and heritage?

A good old-fashioned potluck not only brings your team together through food, it also creates a cordial atmosphere where they can start up conversations around culture and expand their knowledge of other cultures.

organise mini events

Every office has a cafeteria or some type of common area where you can have small events where your team members can represent their different cultures. Let your employees use this as an opportunity to learn about the significance of important days in various cultures and share initiatives to fight against negative stereotypes.

For instance, if you have Muslim colleagues, you can have a small discussion about Ramadan and its significance to the Islamic religion. You can even make it more interesting by involving different elements like colours, food, and even music that help define what Ramadan means. Discussions like these help start a conversation and inspire others to share their experiences as well.

host book clubs for diversity

When you’re coming up with diversity and inclusion activities in the workplace you don’t always have to think of new ideas. You can use an existing activity and improve on that. For instance, if you have a book club, have one week out of the month where you focus on a book that offers a different narrative where you get to empathise with someone from a different background. 

Select a book where the story focuses on LGBTQI+ characters and learn more about your LGBTQI+ coworkers. In addition, you can choose books with characters from different backgrounds and improve your knowledge of other lifestyles.

final thoughts on diversity and inclusion activities in the workplace from kinhub

Diversity is more than just a conversation. Everyone has something that helps them stand out. Whether it’s their educational background, upbringing, perspective, or way of thinking, they’re bringing their strengths and experiences to the table.

A plan for harnessing DEI in the workplace is something that is needed in every modern workplace and with the right activities in place, you can gradually nurture teams that are not only inclusive but also understand how to foster inclusivity.

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