Mental health and wellbeing

Conquering stress management in the workplace

As various work-related responsibilities take over our lives, stress management is often overlooked, this is why at Kinhub we’re helping employers provide the support that their employees need to conquer stress management in the workplace.

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Stress management in the workplace

The effects of stress can have devastating results on employee morale and workplace culture. When your employees are distant, unfocused, and distraught — teamwork can often break down making it difficult for businesses to function.

According to Statistica, work-related stress is the most common cause of stress with 79% stating that they feel stressed frequently. What’s more, The Workplace Health Report revealed that one in three consider relationship troubles to be a significant cause of stress. 

These figures clearly show that whether employees are grappling with work-related stress or stress stemming from personal issues, employers need to provide the relevant support systems to manage employee stress levels at the workplace.

Strategies to support employees experiencing financial anxiety

Whether it’s the impact of living through the effects of an economic downturn or political discord, employees are more stressed than ever before — and when left unaddressed, it can also impact employers and business operations.

With labour turnover increasing by 7.7% in the UK according to the HR Review, employers can’t afford to overlook the causes that are affecting the mental health of their employees. Here are a few ways you can help reduce your employee’s stress in the workplace.

Flexible working hours

Employees who have flexible working hours are more satisfied in their roles than employees who have more defined and stricter work schedules. Whether they want to get in a quick early morning run or avoid getting stuck in traffic during rush hour, flexible working hours can lead to happier employees.

Provide support & resources

Make education resources accessible to employees wanting to reduce or manage stress levels. Whether they’re tips about healthy sleep habits, daily exercise, offering wellness webinars, or providing employee assistance programmes (EAPs), offering the proper support can go a long way.

Offer paid vacation time

Taking time off to recharge is essential, but many employees feel that their employers may penalise them for taking time off from work as it may be frowned upon. Diminish this perspective by encouraging your employees to take paid time off and set an example from the top down.

Ask employees what they need

Employees have different drivers of stress—whether they stem from work or personal issues. Ask your employees what type of support they need via confidential surveys or even focus groups. Identify the causes of stress and take the necessary steps to improve workplace culture and create a lasting impact.

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Kinhub’s insights on stress management in the workplace

There are a number of reasons that can lead employees to feel stressed at work.

Our blog—Financial worry people face right now—explores one of the leading causes of stress — financial anxiety. In our blog, we take you through a number of ways that employers can support their employees in managing stress caused by financial worries.

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